Barrier hygienic laundry
Barrier hygienic laundry

Another innovation of our clinic is the ultra modern laundry, which is the first in Georgia with its magnitude and possibilities.

Many hospitals, hotels and restaurants, such as Hotel "Ambasadori" and others, use laundry services.

The service includes:

  • Wash
  • Drying
  • Will be replaced
  • Fold down

Infection complications in the treatment process According to world statistics, 10-15% nosocomial infections (internal infection of the hospital, or infectious disease or complication developed during the hospital) is applied by means of linen. Patients who have long-term hospitalization and have a weak immune system are at high risk.

Barrier-type hygienic wash preparations are used in specialty institutions where the proper processing of linen is vital.

Various taps are used to take water samples from the washing machine to maximize precisely how much of the detergents are concentrated, how well washing washing - how clean and harmful to re-use it is one of the important components of the quality of service quality.

The laundry is divided into two different sections, only one wash washed and the other side is already washed and processed. Specialty equipments provide 100% guarantee that the bed linen will be completely clean and sterile.

The microprocessor allows different types of programmers to be differentiated and different types of washing to fit specific optimum mode.

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